
~*~可能我不是任何人的小公主,没有骑士们的保护,但我知道我是上帝的小公主,我有可爱的天使在守护我。无论我做任何不对的事,刁蛮任性的事,上帝依然在我身旁, 对我不离不弃,原谅我包容我,替我解决任何烦恼和困难。 所以,只要我是上帝的小公主就好了。 有上帝疼我就够了。



^^ Happy New Year, Evelyn.
All the best in 2012.
You can do it.

[Nice article] [sharing is caring]

I am going to give men a starting point for the types of women I feel are a good consideration to date. We, as men, know the goal is to have a woman we can love, cherish, hold, and make our wife. Of course what I am about to list is no guarantee of a good woman, but should be used as a foundational guide of what she can look like emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and personality-wise.

Here are 7 types of women every man should date: 
1. Submitted to God
If a woman is submitted to and passionate about living for God, she will be the same to you, assuming you’re a man submitted to God. There is something special about a woman who truly serves God.

2. A Selfless Woman
A selfless woman will understand the importance of working together, sharing, devotion, and commitment for the right reasons. Her motives will be to help make life a little better for you. She will understand that dying to self doesn’t mean she does not love herself.

3. A Simple and Low Maintenance Woman
A low maintenance woman tends to be focused on the truly important things in life. I’ve found them to be non-clingy, very rational, and supportive. She won’t care about how much money you have or don’t have. She will like you for who you are and is not looking for what you can do for her. She accepts you freely because she is comfortable in who she is. She is more about becoming a better woman than just appearing to be a good woman.

4. A Woman Who Can Truly Be Your Best Friend
Friendship before love is always best before a serious relationship.

5. Emotionally Stable
This type of woman understands God gave her emotions and instincts to give man balance. She understands emotions are never used as a decision making tool, because emotions can lead you outside of the will of God. The devil drives us off a cliff using emotions and God gently leads us with wisdom.

6. A Loyal and Patient Woman
She is with you through the good and the bad. She’s there if you’re rich; she’s there if you’re poor (if you have 2 cents, 2 dollars, or 2 million dollars… makes no difference). She is right there cheering you on and helping you to be great. She will not be looking for other men, because all of her attention is with you. She will uplift, support and encourage you.

7. A Woman with Character
This should go without saying, but I will add this (and this type should really be the first thing you consider for any woman). She must be of a woman of good character. Without character, it will be difficult to even build a strong friendship. Character is what we do when other people are not looking, but God always knows what we are doing (e.g. A woman who will still entertain men, giving out her number to other men, etc… is not serious about a courtship leading to marriage and it speaks to her character). How she will honor and respect the relationship as you grow together when you are not around speaks volumes about her character.


换到帅哥的礼物!!!! :D


Date: 7 Dec 2011
Venue: Education Fac
Time: 12.45- 1.35

Yeah, today did something that i want to do long long time ago,
Yes, is donating blood. So happy that I have the courage to do so!~
I am not that kind of person that really scared pain,
but still got a bit afraid because is first time.
Thanks Ah Shun that accompanied me to donate blood~

So So So happy lah~
Just think that can help people really is a passionate thing!!!
Thanks God that I am able to donate my blood to someone that need it so much~

My blood is type B oh~ hehe


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原以为我是coolevelyn (可能别人也这么认为), cool cool 的,还是酷酷的,还是苦苦的呢? 后来,才发现这并不是我要的,我要的其实很简单。
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